When do you want to SHIFT?

SHIFT, social and human ideas for technology
28 and 29 September 2006

SHiFT - Social and Human Ideas For Technology

SHiFT will be all about emerging technologies, whether they’re the latest internet trend or the latest social or psychological development. SHiFT will evolve around five major areas, and the idea is to have contributions about them from all sections of society:

People and Technology
Knowledge Management
Civic Participation
Rights, Liberties and Privacy for the Digital Age
New forms of Economics

Apart from the Conference (program and speakers), there are going to be four workshops on September 26 to 27th:
Designing the Next Generation of Web Applications with Peter Merholz
Creativity with Dannie Jost & Henriette Weber Andersen

This event wasn’t possible without the perseverance of Pedro Custódio (organization), and I personally thank him for trying to do some shifting in Portugal, unfortunately I couldn’t visit him and this great event.

I wish all the best for this event and for the lucky ones that are going. 🙂