
Hi! here we have another very late video for NaVloPoMo.

My knowledge on footbal is almost none, but I will try to be accurate.
Sporting is a footbal club in Portugal. And in the year 2000 it won the Portuguese National Cup, that victory was preceded by many years of trying to win it.
And so the party was amazing, and this pictures were taken in Lisbon on that night.

Enjoy this first and very rough cut of my moving pictures.

NaVloPoMo07 #20

4 thoughts on “Sporting!”

  1. Man! You people sure go crazy for soccer. Not sure I understood why those guys had tree branches in their car?

  2. Hi!
    Yeah! I just checked and before that victory they were full 18 years without wining… And you could say that in Lisbon there are two main football teams: Sporting and Benfica.
    About the tree branches I couldn’t understood also, but as green is the team color, maybe that is the solely explanation. People were really crazy that day. 😉

    And there is a voice (at 00:24) that I repeat in the end, that is from a guy who says something like “when I will be marrying, my first born sun will be called leãozinho, that means small lion”. And lion is the symbol of that team…

    and thanks for seeing and commenting.

  3. Ei.. deu para ver as mudanças em LX. Looks like the tunnel is finished and all the construction around the park is finished! Exciting.

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