Category Archives: despauterios

despauterios | crazy things

Amanda Across America

Amanda Congdon is back and in my opinion is much better than it was before.

The way I see it, Rocketboom was a much more young cable tv type of program with the difference in the budget and the way it was broadcasted and received… And I am not saying that it wasn’t very important, it really made a turn-point in the way last mile broadcast can be done.

But now with this new Amanda Across America, you will have a lot more, because now the content and form is much more creative, different and experimental. I could say that also it is much more of a vlog than rocketboom ever was.

I hope to write more on this later…

for now I leave you with her new vlog / project!

amanda across america - and so, it begins.

| and so, it begins | Josh Wolf Behind Bars Again | the wiki | the map

ah ah, someone wrote about Amsterdam, Netherlands in the wiki already… 🙂

YES! Em Adam e com 20/1 Mbps Internet! ;-)

agora sim estamos instalados, só falta trocar a camara de ar da minha querida bicicleta…

a vida é bela! e em breve este blog ficará mais actualizado e funcional de novo.

or in english:

YES! At Adam and with 20/1 Mbps Internet! 😉

now we are much better, I just have to change the “binnenband met blitzventiel” on my dear bicycle…

life is beautiful! and very soon we will have this blog in full motion and with lots of links and even videos.

Music lobby threatens Apple iTunes

These news are getting more visible each day…

this article / discussion at the Slashdot is interesting reading.

Music Industry Threatens to Pull Plug on Apple

Or like oil companies asking automobile manufacturers to share their profits.

According to Apple, the original goal of the iTunes Music Store (ITMS) was to sell more iPods. In fact, they didn’t expect it to be profitable at all – but now it commands a sizable share of Apple’s quarterly revenue.

Having observed their behavior in the past, I fully believe that the music industry really believes that they are doing Apple a favor and that they can cut Apple off.
If they close iTunes, iPod users will just rip their own music (and share it) leaving 0 revenue.

It’s probably just a bluff, but if the Music Industry does go through with this it would be incredibly stupid of them. I know it would be contrary to their agreements with Apple Records, but if the music execs do go ahead with this, I think Apple should start selling music directly from the musicians rather than going through the labels. They could simultaneously reduce the prices and give the musicians much more than they get under their current contracts.

Ford and GM announced today that unless Exxon and Shell start sharing gasoline revenues, future SUVs will run on ethanol.

The recording industry never saw a cash cow they didn’t want to kill.

iTunes is a very interesting solution for distributing music in a digital and network world.

the dream is if we could bypass this greedy companies altogether… at list Apple proposes something that we could even in some sense describe as fair trade.

i hope people see who is right and who is wrong in all this story.

the other day i read that a band edited by Sony, had to publish in their site an help text explaining how to do if you wanted to rip theirs audio cd for the computer… it was fun to read about that!


“Did you know 1 in 10 Europeans were conceived on an IKEA bed?”

that is the funnier thing i read today…

and because if you really think about it, it represents a lot of things…

the global market is the most obvious, but as most of the ikea furniture, including beds, are still on wood (or based on), you can assume people still prefers sleeping on wood and in more natural “environments”…

maybe we should start an inquiry about that…

[ i found it in a slashdot discussion ]

Home Cinema caseiro!!

E eu que pensava que mesmo as mousses e o arroz doce é que com sorte ainda eram caseiros…

Encontrei quase por acaso umas páginas na Internet sobre a construção de sofisticados projectores de vídeo LCD caseiros. impressionante!! A maioria não é muito portátil, mas aparentemente a qualidade e características que se conseguem atingir é muito boa mesmo.

Numa das galerias de fotos, há para todos os gostos e até já vendem kits com as várias peças necessárias… muitos são em madeira e tudo, alguns bem integrados na mobília, e há um que até inclui o computador para vêr os vídeos armazenados nele.

Estas páginas encontrei-as nuns comentários numa questão proposta no Engadget.

(esta entrada estava esquecida em draft…)

Guerilla Drive-Ins

Outdoor Home Theater Digital Homes for Everyone

Dolores Park Movie Night

MobMov: A mobile movie guerilla drive-in in Berkeley, CA
What is the MobileMovie?
We are a grassroots movement aimed at bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, what used to be a dark and decrepit warehouse wall springs to life with the sublime sights and sounds of a big screen movie. Best of all, the MobMov is free.

Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In
Start Your Own Guerilla Drive-In
Guerilla Drive-Ins are springing up everywhere from LA to NY, in big cities and little towns. People are rejecting the idea of the $10 movie (twenty with popcorn and a soda) and embracing the idea of the do-it-yourself movie free to the community.

Guerilla Drive-Ins – Gizmodo
