Tag Archives: lisboa


Hi! here we have another very late video for NaVloPoMo.

My knowledge on footbal is almost none, but I will try to be accurate.
Sporting is a footbal club in Portugal. And in the year 2000 it won the Portuguese National Cup, that victory was preceded by many years of trying to win it.
And so the party was amazing, and this pictures were taken in Lisbon on that night.

Enjoy this first and very rough cut of my moving pictures.

NaVloPoMo07 #20

Francisco Louçã [ teaser ]

Today I have not much time and I wanted to tease you about my last part of the Presidential Elections in 2006 Portugal, and I am going to post one of these days the Francisco Louçã candidate.

For now I leave you with a teaser in unedited form and from the beginning of his street campaign.

Franscisco Louçã was the candidate from the Bloco de Esquerda party (Left block party(?) see BE and esquerda.net).

hope you enjoy.

NaVloPoMo07 #16

— em português | in portuguese —

Hoje não terei muito tempo e gostava de vos deixar com um teaser  do que há de ser a última parte dos meus vídeos sobre as Eleições Presidenciais 2006. Num dos próximos dias publicarei o vídeo do Francisco Louçã.

Para já deixo-vos com um teaser em forma não editada e do início da campanha de rua (Martim Moniz). Franscico Louçã foi o candidado do Partido Bloco de Esquerda (ver BE and esquerda.net).

Espero que gostem.

seagulls on the river tagus * lisbon, portugal

more seagulls this time i recorded them on lisbon on the dock. in this video i tried one trick called smoothcam, it was not so interesting in the first take, but it takes so much time to render that i am not going to turn off that filter on the first clip, the second benefits of the filter… bah. enough rumbling geek stuff.

i hope its more relaxing, especially after Robert Croma of yesterday that i just seen some minutes ago (“The Natural History Museum”).

I have lots of video to watch, sorry for that. i blame it on work. 😉